Active Shooter

We can develop the best solution specific to your site following the National Fire Protection Association Standard for Active Shooter/Hostile Event. We can train your team so they are prepared and informed to protect themselves and others.


Be Prepared

Active shooter and hostile events are unpredictable and can happen anywhere. Being prepared to handle any emergency is key to keeping yourself and others safe. Having a professional well-laid out plan is crucial in any operation. 

Our expertise can help any institution or venue to be prepared for any active shooter or hostile event that may occur. We can work with your team to develop a personalized plan to create the safest response possible. 

Active Shooter Training and Plan Development For A Range of Industries

Airports & Other Transportation


Concert & Event Venues


Educational Institutions


Healthcare Operations


Small or Large Businesses


Developing a plan that is right for your team!

You can never be too careful when it comes to developing a lockdown and evacuation plan. There are many factors to consider, such as entrance/exit points, barriers, and even things involving being ADA compliant. No matter who your guests and team members are, they deserve to feel confident that they are prepared in case of an active shooter. 

Our team at Safety Outsource Solutions can meet with you and your team, as well as do a full analysis of your building to offer the best insight possible, allowing for the safest and most effiecent active shooter action plan to be developed. 


They say that “even the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. While having a solid and carefully laid out plan for active shooter emergencies is a great first step, the next step would be education and practice of said plan. 

Safety Outsource Solutions offers full safety procedure and evacuation training that is not only informative, but engaging. By the end of our sessions, your team will feel confident in their ability to respond to emergency situations. 

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