Job Hazard Analysis

We evaluate on construction and general industry JHA ( Job Hazard Analysis) based on risk management, safety engineering and scope of work. We can provide detailed analysis of your employees’ job tasks to eliminate or reduce workplace incidents based on the scope of work from PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to site specific engineered control methods. A well-defined JHA will ensure your employees’ safety and will reduce your exposure to liability.

What can we do

for you?

With every business or institution, there are going to be hazards that you must watch out for to keep yourself and others safe. They say that knowing is half the battle, so why should that not apply to safety? By knowing your hazards and having an establish plan in place to tackle them, you can save lives and costs by creating an environment of fewer accidents.

our Job Hazard Analysis Includes:

100% full inspection of your facility

PPE Analysis

Hazard Compliance

Accident Investigation


Safety and Security Assessment

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